Looking for something new, something different, something better? We thought so. At The Manic Organic we like new, we like different and we REALLY like better! Tired of the same old things we saw in every store, we decided to focus on small designers who actually make things that are new, different and better! Unique items that are also organic which is better for you, better for your family and better for our planet. Doesn't that just make you feel better? Now think of how you'll feel wearing it!
Check out all the great fashions at http://www.themanicorganic.com/. We think you will be pleasantly surprised at what you just might find! Like this dazzler by Ethos Paris made of 100% organic cotton produced, processed and manufactured into Ethos Paris garments according to Fair Trade practices. No genetically modified cotton is used to make the garments whose entire production process is quality controlled. Ethos Paris' partner since 2004 is based in central India and is a member of the Chetna Organic Cotton Project, an organic and Fair Trade-certified cooperative. Now what could be better...maybe the price. The Ananda Top is available at http://www.themanicorganic.com/ for $48.00.
This site is awesome!!